The best ultimate home six packs abs workout for men

 The best ultimate home six packs a workout for men

Nowadays we all want to get six-pack abs to get fit and healthy. Today we gonna ne describe the best abs exercises for men at home. These exercises will help you to make six packs.  you can do this exercise at any place like homes, gyms, and outdoor places.

Abs workout at home

The best ultimate home six packs workout for men

  1. Firstly you have to be consistent, it takes some time to get results
  2. For men and women, your testosterone level should be higher 
  3.  If your testosterone level is lower, it is difficult to get the result.

Here are the best six packs abs workout you can do at home 

High knees taps
High knees taps

( 45s)

First of all we're getting our whole body moving. Getting that heart rate up, we start burning that fat. And this is also going to get our body ready, so that when we move into those harder, poor exercises, it's really going to take a stronger effect because we get everything fired up.

Russian twists ( 45s)

Russian twists ( 45s)

So legs up, keep the legs straight. Touch one side, touch the other side. Keep that core tight. Regulate that breathing. Don't give up, guys. We're just getting started. Pace yourself. If you can go fast, challenge yourself. Go for it. If you can only go slow, take it easy, chill. Eventually you're going to get a lot better at this. The most important thing is to make sure that your form is on point and everything else will progress. But we're on our way to six pack ABS, baby. Keep those cores tight.

Legs Raises (45s)

Legs Raises (45s)

we have leg raises. You guys ready for that? Let's go for it. All right, so all the way up, all the way down. You want to come about six inches off the ground. Make sure you're going all the way up and all the way down. Keep those legs straight.  There we go. Almost there, guys. Five more seconds. 

If you are eating junk food like pizza, burgers, and oil food .you will never get abs

Best abs workout for beginners to professional

1. Jacknives

2. Abs crunches

3. Scrissors kick

4. Heel touch

5. Low planks

6. Bicycle kicks

This exercise will help you get your goal about six packs

The Best Back Exercises for Men You Can Do at Home

 The back muscles, also known as the spine extensors, are responsible for holding your torso upright and allowing you to bend forward at the waist. Because of the unique shape of your back muscles and how they’re positioned, it’s easy to place too much stress on them through improper lifting techniques and incorrect posture. In order to prevent injury or pain in your lower back, it’s important to strengthen these muscles in their natural position with exercises that focus on strengthening the lower back, upper back, middle back and shoulder blades.

Best back exercises for men at home 


Nowadays most of the people know about the pushups. We can do pushups for multiple purposes like muscle building, biceps increase, muscle growth and many more. Pushups not only help you to grow your body it make a perfect body and gain weight for skinny person. We can do pushups in public places, gym, home and many places. 


Take a grip as close as your shoulder. Mobility will allow for placing the bar on your upper traps while pinching your shoulders together and pulling your elbows back. 


Hold this tension the entire time you squat. Stand straight up and take short, deliberate steps back onto a stable, elevated surface. Your stance should be just outside of shoulder width, with your toes slightly pointed out, stand straight up with your hips and knees locked and equal balance in your feet from heels to toes. 

Now slightly, and I mean slightly, push your hips back and then begin to sink down, allowing your knees to travel over your toes until the crease of your hip is at least parallel with your knees. Again, feel for equal balance in your feet from heel to toe.
Then stand back up with your hips and chest rising at the same rate of speed until your hips are fully locked. Now one final note as you lower down, push your knees forward in the same direction that your toes are pointed. 

Keep them driven out as you push back up as well. And my friends, is a perfect squad. 

The perfect planks 

Both the Elbow Plank and Plankton Arms are two basic positions that are often overlooked and underrated. If done properly, the Plank can teach us how to keep a posterior pelvic tilt, build strong scalp reposition, and create a body line that will be carried over to skills such as the handstand, the front lever and the punch. 

Perfect planks

There are many ways to do Plank, so this variable strictly towards Planking in a way that improves castes skills. Here's what to do hands at shoulder width, shoulders over the wrists, arms fully straight, elbows facing back. 

scapulas protracted and depressed. Extend the legs back and engage the quads. Legs and heels together. Pointed feet, glutes and ABS engage, hips pushed down. Spine is a slightly flex. Keep the tension and hold. 

These are the most common mistakes flexing the spine too much, elevating or retracting the scapula. Piking at the hips and cereal for the tilts. All the same principles apply to the Elbow Plank version. 

Do not overlook this massively important position. If it's too easy for you, you're probably missing something. But mindfully we love you. 

Straight leg deadlifts 

Step one approach the bar so that your shins are one inch away from the barbell, putting it directly over the middle of your foot. 

Straight leg deadlifts

Step two without bending your shins to the barbell, grab the barbell just on the outside of your shins. Do not move the barbell.

Step three push your knees forward until your shins meet the barbell, dropping your hips down into position

Step four push your chest through and pull your shoulders down towards your hips.

Step five push your knees out into your forearms and drag the barbell directly up your legs, keeping it in contact all the way until you're standing straight up and down. 

The 5 Easiest way to lose weight, according to the science

The 5 Easiest Ways to Lose Weight, According to Science

Losing weight can seem like an impossible goal to reach, especially if you’ve never done it before and don’t know where to start. Although losing weight quickly or effortlessly isn’t realistic, there are definitely some things you can do to make the process easier on yourself and speed up your progress toward your goals. This article will talk about the 5 easiest ways to lose weight, according to science, so that you can reach your goals as soon as possible.

In-depth introduction:

Humans have come a long way, we've conquered so many things in the past few centuries that it's tough to imagine how difficult our lives were back then. We now live in an era where technology is taking over the world and we can't even imagine how tough it was before. That being said, this article is about losing weight and not about history (although there will be some historical references later on because science ALWAYS looks at the past first ).

The truth is that many people struggle with their weight and often find it hard to find a solution that works for them due to their busy lifestyles. But, here are 5 ways you can easily lose weight without having to make too many sacrifices.

1) Use smaller plates

To lose weight, start with your plate. Research shows that people who eat off of smaller plates consume less food than those who eat off of larger plates. It's one of the 5 easiest ways to lose weight according to science. The study also found that the participants had no idea they were eating fewer calories because their portions seemed more appropriate on a small plate. Eating from a salad bowl instead of a dinner plate is another way to trick yourself into thinking you're eating more by using a bigger utensil! Be sure to fill up half of your plate with vegetables and choose foods that are high in protein and fiber so you can feel full longer. Watch out for processed or fried foods as they are usually high in salt and fat which will make it harder to shed pounds.

2) Skip the snacks

Snacks are an easy way to overindulge in calories. They can also lead you astray from your eating plan when they're not planned for. The best way to lose weight is by sticking with your eating plan and exercising regularly. Snacking less will help you achieve this goal and may even help you lose weight faster. Put away the chips or cookies after dinner and make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, beans and whole grains. Eat breakfast: Skipping breakfast isn't a good idea because it leaves you more susceptible to cravings throughout the day. Eating a healthy breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keeps hunger at bay longer so that you don't overeat later on in the day.

3) Take a 10-minute walk after every meal

This will help you lose weight and stay healthy. The best part is that it doesn't take up any extra time in your day. You just need to fit a 10-minute walk after every meal into your routine. You don't have to do anything different! And the benefits are huge! A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who did just this for three months lost an average of 16 pounds (7 kilos). You'll also burn about 100 calories each hour, which can really add up over time. It's one of the most effective things you can do for yourself without having to change your diet or fitness habits at all. There's a reason we're always encouraged to take walks: they're good for us! 

To start, find the nearest building and go around it once. Next time, try going around twice as long. Continue to build up until you've gone around 5 times as long as before.

4) Replace regular soda with diet soda

If you want to lose weight easily, then your diet should include plenty of water. This will not only help you feel full faster so that you're less likely to overeat, but it will also keep your body hydrated and make it easier for your body's systems to function properly. Another easy way is to switch from regular soda or sugary drinks like juice to diet sodas. A study in the journal Obesity found that diet soda drinkers lost an average of 13 pounds over three months without making any other changes to their diets. Diet sodas were linked with more weight loss because they helped people drink fewer calories overall.

Do daily exercise 

One of the best ways to lose weight is by doing daily exercise. Find what works for you--whether that means taking a walk around the block or signing up for a gym membership--and work it into your daily routine. Just thirty minutes of exercise each day can make a big difference in your health!

5) Eat vegetables first

One of the best ways to lose weight is by eating vegetables first. To do this, start your meal with salad or a vegetable and then eat an animal protein second. This helps because when you eat vegetables first they help fill you up before you add in any other unhealthy foods. Plus, they’re usually more nutrient-dense than meat and dairy products which means they can help you feel fuller longer.

6) Reduce Your Stress Levels - Stress can cause cravings for junk food and overeating because it decreases our will power considerably making it hard for us to stick with our diets or exercise plans even if we want too! Relaxation techniques such as meditation have been shown

Get a bigger, better butt with these 5 exercises at home

 Get a Bigger, Better Butt with These 5 At-Home Exercises

If you’re looking to get a bigger, better butt with exercise at home, we have 5 great exercises that will help you do just that! These butt-busting workouts will tone your buns and burn the fat stored around your hips, thighs and even arms. Check out our step-by-step guide on how to get a bigger, better butt with exercise at home.

The gluteus medius

1) Put one leg out in front of the other like you are doing a lunge, but keep both feet firmly on the ground. 2) Lower your hips down towards the floor, until your knee touches it. 3) Then push back up to the starting position and repeat for 10 reps before switching legs. 4) The goal is to feel this move in your gluteus medius muscle – located at the top of your thigh and outside of your hip bone – so try not to rotate your torso too much when moving up and down.

2) Lower your hips down towards the floor, until your kn

ee touches it. 

3) Then push back up to the starting position and repeat for 10 reps before switching legs. 4) The goal is to feel this move in your gluteus medius muscle – located at the top of your thigh and outside of your hip bone – so try not to rotate your torso too much when moving up and down. 5) You should aim for two sets of 10 reps each side every day. 6) As well as these two exercises, make sure you do plenty of squats (also known as chair dips) throughout the day whenever possible. 7) Do as many of them as you can without taking more than 60 seconds break between. 8) Make sure to hold your stomach muscles tight, tuck in your bottom, and don't let your knees go over the toes or stop going past the ankle joint. 9) Try to get 30 minutes of low impact aerobic exercise daily by cycling or walking - if you have bad knees then walking will be better for them!

The quadriceps

The quads are the muscles in the front of your thighs that help you stand up and walk around. They also help you squat down or bend over. The quads consist of four separate muscles: the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris. The rectus femoris is sometimes called the quads because it makes up one fourth of the muscle group. For this exercise, all four muscles will be targeted to help strengthen them so they can do their jobs better. To do this exercise, start by standing on two feet facing away from the wall with toes pointed forward and knees unlocked. Place both hands on the back of your head then squat down as far as possible without letting your butt touch your heels while keeping both feet flat on the ground throughout the movement. Once you’ve reached the bottom position, quickly push yourself back to the top of the squat using your legs (don’t just use momentum). Aim for about 20 reps per set.

The hip adductors

Hip adductors are important for both running and jumping, as well as activities like biking. In order to strengthen these muscles, you'll want to do exercises that require you to move your legs closer together and hold them in place. Examples of hip adductor exercises are clamshells (pictured below), side lying clam shells, pelvic lifts and bird dogs. For these exercises, always remember to engage the glutes while contracting the iliopsoas muscles and stabilize through the core. Clamshells will target the outer thigh area while pelvic lifts will target inner thighs. If you're looking to specifically target the butt muscles, then hip bridges or donkey kicks will work best. Add some weight if it's too easy. Exercise three times per week with 10 reps each exercise , but don't overdo it. Be sure to use good form by engaging the glutes and holding your body in a straight line from head to toe. Watch out for muscle soreness which may occur after one or two sessions - that's completely normal!

A butt routine for total body health

Whether you're sitting at your desk all day or running on the treadmill for an hour, these five exercises will help firm up your butt. Give them each a try to see which ones work best for you. #1: Standing Booty Stretch 

Stand with one foot in front of the other and bend forward from your hips. Place both hands on the back of one leg (keeping it bent) and stretch forward until you feel a stretch in your glutes. Hold this position for 10 seconds before switching sides. Repeat this sequence two times on each side. #2: Lying Leg Tucks Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees and bring your heels as close to the buttocks as possible without lifting off the ground. Raise both legs about 8 inches off the ground and tuck in your pelvis by contracting the muscles around it.

Final notes

I hope these exercises help you get the bum you've always wanted. For best results, I recommend doing all five of these exercises once or twice per week. You'll see results in as little as 2 weeks and will feel more confident in just a few months! Good luck on your journey to better booty health! Remember that butt workout doesn't have to be at the gym! Keep it simple and do them at home for a healthier, happier backside. Just think about how much time you save by not having to drive to the gym. Plus, you can still go out with friends afterward without feeling guilty. Lastly, why waste money when there are ways to sculpt your bum without leaving the house?